     STARTING PRICE : 15.508.000

Day 1

Arrival Rio de Janeiro
Anda akan dijemput di Bandara atau pelabuhan /  zona selatan hotel dengan guide. Penerbangan di Rio de Janeiro (tidak termasuk). Tiba di Rio de Janeiro, Anda akan bertemu dan diantar menuju hotel - SIB basis with driver guide (Spanish & English).

Day 2

Rio de Janeiro (B)
HALFDAY SUGAR LOAF & PANORAMIC CITY TOUR (4 jam) - SIB basis with driver and bilingual guide (Spanish & English)
Anda akan dijemput dari hotel antara pukul 08.00 sampai 09.00 pagi, tergantung pada lokasi hotel, lalu dilanjutkan denga tour setengah hari dan panorama city tour. Pertama, Anda akan berhenti di Katedral Metropolitan yang dibangun dalam bentuk piramidal dengan diameter internal 96 meter dan tinggi 80 meter. Berjalan melintasi Aterro do Flamengo dan tiba di lingkungan Urca dimana salah satu simbol terbesar kota berada: Sugar Loaf. Anda akan melakukan perjalanan jauh ke atas dalam dua tahap dengan kereta gantung. Kereta gantung pertama membawa kita ke Bukit Urca titik dengan tinggi 215 meter dengan pemandangan Teluk Guanabara dan pulau - pulau yang indah, Jembatan Rio-Niteroi dan Gunung Corcovado. Dari tahap ini, kereta gantung kedua akan membawa kita ke puncak. Pada ketinggian 395 meter, kita akan menikmati pemandangan indah ke pantai Copacabana, Benteng Santa Cruz dan beberapa Pantai Niteroi. Setelah naik cable car, Anda akan kembali ke hotel.

RIO BY NIGHT : SAMBA SHOW GINGA TROPICAL (Hanya di hari : Selasa, Kamis, Jumat dan Sabtu) US$ 79 per orang (Min 2 peserta)
Ginga Tropical Show adalah sebuah pertunjukkan multikultural Brasil yang dijadikan satu diatas panggung berbagai budaya di Negara Tropis. Sebuah pertunjukkan yang menggabungkan keanekaragaman dan budaya "Ziriguidum", Timur Laut, Amazon dan Pampas dengan cerita rakyatnya. Bahia dengan Capoeira-nya, ritual mistis mereka dan Rio de Janerio dengan Lapa bohemiannya yang tak terdandingi, ruang dansa mereka dan pertunjukkan Tricksters yang legendaris dan Karnaval mewah, dengan penabuh genderang yang fantastis dan penari-penari yang cantik.

Day 3

Rio de Janeiro (B)
Makan pagi di hotel. Hari ini adalah hari bersantai Anda untuk menjelajahi kota dan pantai - pantai yang indah di Rio de Janerio. Atau Anda dapat mengikuti optional tour (extra cost)
HALFDAY BARRA DE TIJUCA & PANORAMIC OF OLIMPIC PARK (6jam) - Private service dengan guide berbahasa inggris - US$ 103.00 per orang (Min 2 orang)
Tour ini akan menwarkan ke Anda ide yang lebih baik tentang geografi dan topografi kota dengan pemandangan yang menakjubkan. Kota ini dibangun antara laut dan pegunungan! Berkendara disepanjang jalan yang indah dengan pemandangan pantai Sao Conrado. Lalu dilanjutkan ke Pantai Barra da Tijuca, pantai terpanjang Rio yang membentang lebih dari 18km, lalu akhirnya pemandangan Taman Olimpiade - jantung dari Olimpiade Rio 2016.
HALFDAY CORCOVADO (4 Jam) - SIB basis with bilingual guide US$ 58.00 per orang (Min 2 orang)
Anda akan dijemput di hotel antara pukul 08.00 dan 09.00 pagi tergantung pada lokasi hotel. Lalu Anda akan diajak untuk tour setengah hari menuju Gunung dan Pantai Corcovado. Naik kereta gigi dari Stasiun Cosme Velho untuk tumpangan ke Gunung Corcovado untuk mengunjungi salah satu landmark paling terkenal di dunia. Patung raksasa Christ the Redeemer.

Day 4

Rio de Janeiro - Foz do Iguacu - Puerto Iguazu (B)
Setelah sarapan, Anda akan diantar menuju bandara - SIB  basis dengan bilingual guide (Spanish & English). Penerbangan yang disarankan JJ4585 GIG / IGU keberangkatan 10.15 tiba 12.30 (tiket tidak termasuk). Tiba di Iguassu bertemu dan diantar menuju hotel.
HALFDAY BRAZILIAN SIDE OF THE FALLS - SIB basis dengan bilingual guide (spanish & english)
Anda akan dijemput dan diantar menuju Taman Nasional Air Terjun Brasil (tiket termasuk). Tour dimulai dengan mengunjungi Pusat Utama Taman, dimana Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beberapa informasi tentang ekosistem lokal. Dari sana Anda akan berjalan menyusuri jalur paling penting dari taman belvedere lokal Anda akan
menikmati pemandangan yang istimewa dari kedua taman air terjun. Kembali ke titik utama melalui lift panoramik.

VISIT THE BIRD PARK - US$ 37 per orang (Min 2 orang)

Terletak di pintu masuk Taman Nasional Taman Burung adalah tempat perlindungan ekologis, yang menghubungkan ekowisata dengan konservasi. Pembibitan kupu - kupu dengan sekitar 25 spesies reptil, dimana Anda dapat melihat ular dan buaya dengan jarak beberapa meter saja.

Day 5

Foz do Iguassu - Iguazu (Argentina Side) (B)
HALFDAY ARGENTUNEAN SIDE OF THE FALLS (5 Jam) - SIB basis dengan bilingual guide (spainsg & english)

Makan pagi dihotel. Lalu diantar menuju sisi Argentina dan berhenti di pemeriksaan pabean. Setelah itu, tour dilanjutkan dengan menuju Jembatan Tancredo Neves diatas Sungai Iguassu, yang memisahkan perbatasan antara Argentina dan Brasil. Begitu tiba di Argentina dengan akses ke jurang yang sangat menakjubkan dari Tenggorokan setan yang menakjubkan, yang terbesar di Air Terjun San Martin. Dalam perjalanan kembali dan berhenti di "Tiga Perbatasan" Brazil, Argentina dan Paraguay.

THE BIG ADVENTURE TOUR (Argentinean side) - SIB Boat US$ 95 per orang (Min 2 orang
Tour yang menggabungkan hutan hujan dan air terjun. Kita akan mengemudikan truk ke Vegetasi liar yang luas, yang dipandu oleh pemandu yang berpengalaman. Kita akan turun di dermaga dan naik perahu untuk berlayar di Sungai Iguazu, rafting di sungai dari pulau terpencil di San Martin yang tenang. Kemudian kita akan mengunjungi musim gugur Tres Mosqueteros (Three Musketeers) dan Garganta del Diablo (Devil`s Throat). Berlayar di pantai pulau, kita akan sampai di titik menarik berikutnya: Air terjun San Martin.

Kita sarankan untuk membawa sepatu cadangan, pakaian ganti karena petualangan ini akan membuat badan Anda basah.

Pengunjung yang tidak diizinkan untuk mengikuti tour ini :
* Penderita osteoporosis, leher, kondisi punggung atau operasi
* Orang dengan kondisi jantung atau pembedahan
* Orang dengan COPD atau kondisi neurologis atau pembedahan
* Orang yang tidak mampu menangani keadaan darurat yang berhubangan dengan keadaan disungai Iguazu yang lebih rendah.

Day 6

Puerto Iguazu - Buenos Aires (B)
Setelah makan pagi, Anda akan diantar dari hotel menuju Bandara di Misiones Iguazu. Anda dapat menggunakan penerbangan LA7507 IGR/AEP dengan keberangkatan pukul 13.50 dan tiba pada pukul 15.45 (tidak termasuk). Tiba di Buenos Aires, Anda akan diantar menuju hotel.

Day 7

Buenos Aires (B, D)
BUENOS AIRES CITY TOUR - SIB with bilingual guide (Spanish & English)
Duration : 3 jam. Shared Services with Guide
Highlights : Plaza de Mayo - San Telmo - La Boca - Retiro - Recoleta - Palermo

Anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi tempat - tempat paling penting di kota Buenos Aires yang spektakuler. Di pemberhentian pertama, Anda akan menemukan sejarah May Square dan mengunjungi lingkungan perumahan tertua di Buenos Aires: San Telmo. Berjalan disepanjang jalan berbatu yang terbuat dari batu dan menemukan toko - toko barang antik dan bangunan - bangunan yang indah. Hidup dan rasakan Tango asli di lingkungan La Boca: berjalan di sepanjang jalan Caminito dan nikmati penari dan toko souvenir. Lalu Anda akan menuju Stadion sepak bola Boca Juniors. Anda dapat berjalan disepanjang pelabuhan Madero dan dermaga, dan disana Anda akan melihat banyak restoran dan kantor - kantor besar. Melewati lingkungan Retiro dan dilanjutkan melihat Palermo dan area huniannya yang paling eksklusif sebelum akhirnya tiba di Recoleta. Sesampai disana, Anda akan menuju tempat peristirahatan terakhir di Eva Peron, "Evita" dan berjalan - jalan di Pemakaman Recoleta.


Terkenal karena kehidupan malamnya yang menakjubkan dan menjadi tanah Carlos Gardel, Buenos Aires menawarkan pilihan gastronomi dan artistik yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Tango menggambarkan `Queen of the River Plate` (`Reina del Plata`). Kita akan menikmati malam yang tak terlupakan, berserah pada keajaiban kota ini yang tidak pernah tidur dan pesona musik yang luar biasa dan optimis ini.

Day 8

Buenos Aires (B)
Setelah selesai sarapan, acara bebas. Anda dapat berkeliling sendiri Buenos Aires.

Duration : 8 hrs approx - Shared Services with Guide

Setelah selesai sarapan, Anda akan mengunjungi Rumah dari para gaucho (koboi amerika), pampa (dataran rendah berumput tan pohon) yang lembab adalah salah satu padang rumput alami paling subur di dunia dan terkenal dengan produksi daging sapi dan sereal. Hanya beberapa kilometer jauhnya dari Kota Buenos Aires, di lingkungan alami dengan pemandangan yang indah, kita merasa terhormat dengan disuguhkan makanan nasional asado dengan empanada dan anggur Argentina yang luar biasa. Aroma liar dari pedesaan akan mengundang kita untuk melepaskan diri dari rutinitas dan menemukan tradisi pedesaan berusia seratus tahun tahun yang menawan di tengah - tengah abad XXI. Lagu - lagu dan tarian rakyat, aktifitas berkuda dan pertunjukkan keterampilan gaucho tradisional yang tidak ada duanya, seperti balapan cincin, cuadreras (pacuan kuda), entrevero de tropillas (permainan kuda): kita akan menjalani gaya hidup tradisional peternakan Argentina melalui gaucho, simbol terbesar dari tanah - tanah ini.

Day 9
Departure Buenos Aires (B)
Setelah makan pagi, Anda akan diantar menuju bandara untuk terbang kembali ke tanah air.

•       Transver bandara
•       Hotel kelas terpilih, kamar dengan fasilitas pribadi
•       Bantuan pendamping tour berbahasa inggris
•       Pemamdu lokal wajib
•       Pelatih bermotor/mini bus/ mobil pribadi ber-AC
•       Makanan sesuai itinerary : sarapan setiap hari x makan siang di sajikan di restoran lokal x makan malam (termasuk.makan malam dengan pertunjukkan folkloric di wieliczka)
•       Kue dan kopi / teh di cafeteria warsawa yg terkenal
•       Tur jalan-jalan sesuai rencana perjalanan
•       Biaya masuk semua destinasi wisata yang di kunjungi
•       Penanganan bagasi di hotel
•       Biaya hotel dan pajak

•       Tiket pesawat
•       Perlengkaapan pribadi

    Harga diatas bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu tampa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu dan harga menyesuaikan jumlah peserta.


Hari 01: Pontianak Arrival – City Tour
Tiba di Pontianak, dijemput oleh perwakilan kami dan diajak untuk mengunjungi Tugu Khatulistiwa dan pusat budidaya lidah buaya, Aloe Vera Centre. Dilanjutkan ke Mesjid Raya Mujahiddin (photo stop), Rumah Radakng (Rumah Betang Terbesar di Indonesia), Gereja Katolik St. Yosef (photo stop), sore hari bersantai di Taman Alun Kapuas [Optional: menyusuri Sungai Kapuas biaya sendiri]. Transfer ke hotel, check in dan acara bebas bagi Anda.

 Hari 02: Pontianak – Singkawang Full Day Tour
Sarapan di hotel, acara hari ini perjalanan menuju Singkawang (± 3-4 jam). Tiba di Singkawang, mengunjungi Vihara Tri Dharma Bumi Raya (Tertua di Singkawang), Mesjid Raya Singkawang, Cagar Budaya Kawasan Tradisonal Rumah Marga “Tjhia” [Optional: Chaikue khas Singkawang biaya sendiri]. Dilanjutkan mengunjungi Tanjung Bajau Resort, salah satu wahana resort pantai terbaik di Singkawang. Perjalanan kembali ke Pontianak, mengunjungi Bang Yus Souvenir & Toko 56 “Seng Tie” untuk berbelanja oleh-oleh & cinderamata khas Kalimantan Barat. Kembali ke hotel dan acara bebas bagi Anda.

 Hari 03: Pontianak Departure
Sarapan di hotel dan check out, transfer menuju Airport untuk penerbangan selanjutnya. Acara tour selesai.

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Pantai Bara adalah 'surga' tersembunyi di ujung selatan Makassar. Inilahh saudara kembarnya Pantai Bira di Bulukumba. Cantiknya tak kalah.Pantai Bara terletak di Kecamatan Bontobahari, Kabupaten Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan. Tak Jauh dari pantai Bara ini ada pantai yang lebih popular yakni Pantai Bira.

Meski lebih popular namun keadaan pantai Bira saat ini sungguh memprihatinkan, terlihat lebih padat dan semrawut dengan banyaknya pengunjung dan warung-warung yang ada di pinggir pantai.
Lokasi Pantai Bara yang sedikit terpencil jadi alasan utama ketidak populeran pantai ini. Padahal pantai Bara memiliki keindahan tersembunyi yang bisa membuat wisatawan berdecak kagum.

Pantai Bara ini adalah pantai tersembunyi yang ada di Bulukumba, sangat cocok untuk wisatawan yang ingin menikmati pantai yang sunyi dan tenang. Pasir putih nan lembut berpadu dengan gradasi air laut yang berwarna biru hingga hijau tosca mampu menghipnotis siapapun yang memandangnya.

Banyak terdapat pohon kelapa di sini yang dijadikan ayunan oleh pengunjung karena memiliki rata-rata tumbuh dengan kemiringan mencapai 45 derajat. Selain itu, sepanjang pantai Bara ini ditutupi oleh tebing karang yang makin menegaskan bahwa pantai ini terisolasi. Bisa dikatakan berkunjung ke pantai Bara ini seperti punya pantai pribadi.
Akses untuk menuju ke pantai Bara ini bisa memakai kapal nelayan dari Tanjung bira atau melalui jalan setapak di darat. Saat ini jalannya sudah diperbaiki, meski kecil dan berada di tengah hutan, namun bisa dilalui kendaraan roda empat.

Lebih praktis lagi bila menggunakan motor untuk melalui akses darat menuju ke pantai Bara ini. menempuh kurnag lebih 15 menit dari depan gerbang Kawasan Wisata Tanjung Bira.

Buat wisatawan yang ingin bermalam di sekitaran Pantai Bara, jangan khawatir karena disini sudah banyak penginapan berbentuk bungalow yang siap disewa. Serunya lagi adalah mereka rata  rata punya akses langsung ke Pantai Bara karena kebanyakan dari penginapan ini berdiri diatas tebing jurang pantai Bara.

Jika dulunya pengunjung hanya mengenal Pantai Bira sebagai tujuan objek wisata utama yang ada di Kawasan Wisata Tanjung Bira, maka sebaiknya mempertimbangkan 'surga' yang satu ini juga ketika berkunjung ke sana, Pantai Bara.

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Hajimemashite,watashiwa Andi fikram tomoshimas,Poltekpar no gakusei desu
dozo yoroshiku onegaishimas.

Welcome My Blog. My name is Andi Fikram.  'm a 3rd semester travel student,makassar  Tourism Polytechnic. I would like to share a story about my experince while doing a nature field trip in northern toraja district. On 14,15,16 october 2019 me my classmate department of travel study program travel businness tour conducted nature field trip activities in the north toraja regency. We travel for 3D2N
Day 1
We left the campus at 08.00 and headed to Barru district for lunch. During the trip, each student is assigned to be a tour guide. From Makassar city to Barru Regency, it takes about 3 hours.

   We arrived at kupa beach restaurant, barru district. There we were welcomed by the owner of a welcome drink restaurant. Like the color of milk but not the taste of milk. Like the taste of coconut milk, but delicious and fresh to drink. After that we had lunch together, pray, rest and then continue the journey to Bambapuang, Enrekang Regency. From Barru Regency to Bambapuang, it takes around 3-4 hours.

  In Bambapuang, Enrekang District, we did a coffee break and enjoyed the beauty of "Mount Miss". Miss Nona is also one of the tourist attractions in Enrekang Regency. Besides being able to do coffee breaks in Bambapuang, you can also buy ole ole typical of Enrekang district because there are so many different types of food that can be used as ole ole. After traveling from Bambapuang we continued our journey to Toraja Regency, it was great to be able to set foot again in Tana Toraja.

 The place is so beautiful with the characteristics of the Tongkonannya house and is one of the places I wanted to go to when I was in high school. We arrived at the senses hotel to check in, and our tour leader gave directions to get ready to do dinner at the penyet ria chicken. And our last activity was closed overnight.Our first day trip was spent on the road because from Makassar city to Toraja district it was very far and took around 8-11 hours.

 Day 02

 Our activity on the second day was started with breakfast at the senses hotel and continued with a trip to Timenbayo. At Timenbayo we enjoy the beautiful views of northern Toraja. After timenbayo we continued our journey to Lokomata. Along the road to our locomata we were amazed by the beauty of very thick dew.

Arriving at the locomata, we observed the stone grave. And while the observation was taking place we met a tourist from America along with a local guide. These tourists and guides taught us a lot. Tourists tell us how the tracking experience he did. And Gudie tour explained to us about the history of the tongkonan, tedong and stone grave houses in Toraja. After that we continued our activities on foot to the restaurant mentiro tiko.

 Along the way we saw a number of Toraja communities doing mutual cooperation activities. The activity aims to replace stones from the tongkonan house as well as to tighten the ties of the Toraja community itself. The men work pushing stones using ropes and pick-up cars while women are in charge of preparing food for those who work. In addition, along the way we also saw many new stone graves were dug. And the scenery that we found was very beautiful.

We arrived at the restaurant, we had lunch, rest for a while while performing prayers. After about 1 hour we were ordered to take the bus and go to the next tourist spot, namely to the starting point of the Bangko.

  We also did tracking from the Lempo to Bori. During the trip, we were accompanied by views of a vast expanse of rice fields with cool breeze that has not been polluted by pollution. Morning or evening is the right time to visit.We also visited baby grave.

  Baby grave is a stone grave made by Toraja people to bury babies under the age of six months. They were buried in a tree called 'Tara'. And it is said that the tare tree has a lot of latex which is believed to give breast milk to the baby in the tomb. Also when visiting baby grave we accidentally met with tourists from France. He taught us many things including teaching us the language.

 After baby grave we proceed to the next tourist attraction, Bori ’Kalimbuang. This tourism object is one of UNESCO's world heritages which is located on the Poros Barana road, Pangli, Bori Village, Sesean District, North Toraja Regency. These rocks are not through natural processes, but are formed in advance and planted in the ground. The formation and planting of stones cannot be done by just anyone. This Menhir is a neat fusion with the Toraja traditional house, Tongkonan.

 We rested for a moment and sat on the edge of the rice fields while enjoying the beautiful view of Tana Toraja. When we were resting, we saw many tourists passing by and many people in Toraja were wearing black clothes, which they said would do solo signs. We really want to see it but time and schedule do not allow us. So we continued our journey.And the last place we visited was todi. Todi is a place that sells typical Ole Ole Toraja. In addition, there we can see firsthand the weaving process carried out directly by the Toraja community itself.

 A very nice place to visit to buy Ole Ole in North Toraja. After from todi we returned to the hotel, dinner and over night.

Day 03

Our third day starts with checking out the hotel and having breakfast.

 After breakfast we went shopping at Ole Ole at the Toraja traditional market. In the traditional Toraja market, there are many Toraja tribal souvenirs and toraja special foods.But we were only given 1 hour to shop and the next trip was to continue to lakipada.

Lakipadada is a descendant of Puang Tamboro Langi, who also was the first king with the nickname Puang Tomatasak I in tana toraja.

After from lakipadada we continued our journey home to return to Makassar. We do lunch in the town of Parepare right terrace restaurant empang and dinner at the restaurant of the dream city of Maros. After that we arrived at the campus safely.


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Hajimemashite,watashiwa Andi fikram tomoshimas,Poltekpar no gakusei desu
dozo yoroshiku onegaishimas.

Welcome My Blog. My name is Andi Fikram.  'm a 3rd semester travel student,makassar  Tourism Polytechnic. I would like to share a story about my experince while doing a nature field trip in northern toraja district. On 14,15,16 october 2019 me my classmate department of travel study program travel businness tour conducted nature field trip activities in the north toraja regency. We travel for 3D2N

Day 1

We left the campus at 08.00 and headed to Barru district for lunch. During the trip, each student is assigned to be a tour guide. From Makassar city to Barru Regency, it takes about 3 hours.

 We arrived at kupa beach restaurant, barru district. There we were welcomed by the owner of a welcome drink restaurant. Like the color of milk but not the taste of milk. Like the taste of coconut milk, but delicious and fresh to drink. After that we had lunch together, pray, rest and then continue the journey to Bambapuang, Enrekang Regency. From Barru Regency to Bambapuang, it takes around 3-4 hours.

 In Bambapuang, Enrekang District, we did a coffee break and enjoyed the beauty of "Mount Miss". Miss Nona is also one of the tourist attractions in Enrekang Regency. Besides being able to do coffee breaks in Bambapuang, you can also buy ole ole typical of Enrekang district because there are so many different types of food that can be used as ole ole. After traveling from Bambapuang we continued our journey to Toraja Regency, it was great to be able to set foot again in Tana Toraja.

 The place is so beautiful with the characteristics of the Tongkonannya house and is one of the places I wanted to go to when I was in high school. We arrived at the senses hotel to check in, and our tour leader gave directions to get ready to do dinner at the penyet ria chicken. And our last activity was closed overnight.Our first day trip was spent on the road because from Makassar city to Toraja district it was very far and took around 8-11 hours.

Day 02

Our activity on the second day was started with breakfast at the senses hotel and continued with a trip to Timenbayo. At Timenbayo we enjoy the beautiful views of northern Toraja. After timenbayo we continued our journey to Lokomata. Along the road to our locomata we were amazed by the beauty of very thick dew.
Arriving at the locomata, we observed the stone grave. And while the observation was taking place we met a tourist from America along with a local guide. These tourists and guides taught us a lot. Tourists tell us how the tracking experience he did. And Gudie tour explained to us about the history of the tongkonan, tedong and stone grave houses in Toraja. After that we continued our activities on foot to the restaurant mentiro tiko.

Along the way we saw a number of Toraja communities doing mutual cooperation activities. The activity aims to replace stones from the tongkonan house as well as to tighten the ties of the Toraja community itself. The men work pushing stones using ropes and pick-up cars while women are in charge of preparing food for those who work. In addition, along the way we also saw many new stone graves were dug. And the scenery that we found was very beautiful.

We arrived at the restaurant, we had lunch, rest for a while while performing prayers. After about 1 hour we were ordered to take the bus and go to the next tourist spot, namely to the starting point of the Bangko.

We also did tracking from the Lempo to Bori. During the trip, we were accompanied by views of a vast expanse of rice fields with cool breeze that has not been polluted by pollution. Morning or evening is the right time to visit.We also visited baby grave.

 Baby grave is a stone grave made by Toraja people to bury babies under the age of six months. They were buried in a tree called 'Tara'. And it is said that the tare tree has a lot of latex which is believed to give breast milk to the baby in the tomb. Also when visiting baby grave we accidentally met with tourists from France. He taught us many things including teaching us the language.

After baby grave we proceed to the next tourist attraction, Bori ’Kalimbuang. This tourism object is one of UNESCO's world heritages which is located on the Poros Barana road, Pangli, Bori Village, Sesean District, North Toraja Regency. These rocks are not through natural processes, but are formed in advance and planted in the ground. The formation and planting of stones cannot be done by just anyone. This Menhir is a neat fusion with the Toraja traditional house, Tongkonan.

We rested for a moment and sat on the edge of the rice fields while enjoying the beautiful view of Tana Toraja. When we were resting, we saw many tourists passing by and many people in Toraja were wearing black clothes, which they said would do solo signs. We really want to see it but time and schedule do not allow us. So we continued our journey.And the last place we visited was todi. Todi is a place that sells typical Ole Ole Toraja. In addition, there we can see firsthand the weaving process carried out directly by the Toraja community itself.

 A very nice place to visit to buy Ole Ole in North Toraja. After from todi we returned to the hotel, dinner and over night.

Day 03
Our third day starts with checking out the hotel and having breakfast.

After breakfast we went shopping at Ole Ole at the Toraja traditional market. In the traditional Toraja market, there are many Toraja tribal souvenirs and toraja special foods.But we were only given 1 hour to shop and the next trip was to continue to lakipada.
Lakipadada is a descendant of Puang Tamboro Langi, who also was the first king with the nickname Puang Tomatasak I in tana toraja.

After from lakipadada we continued our journey home to return to Makassar. We do lunch in the town of Parepare right terrace restaurant empang and dinner at the restaurant of the dream city of Maros. After that we arrived at the campus safely.

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On October 10 we will tour 2 days 1 night from Makassar to Barru. And the story of the tour starts from now.

On October 10, precisely on Thursday, at 05:40 we gathered in front of the Orengs building to prepare the things that will be used during the trip and after 06:00 the tour leader made the roll call along with the distribution of ID cards and lugagge tags, after the updating finished we loaded our bags and belongings on the bus, just our bus information was divided into two buses. after completing we get back together and form a line to hear some submissions from the advisor after the delivery is finished we pray together before leaving, after praying is finished we get on the bus regularly and while on the bus we hear some deliveries from the tour leader and after we finish continue with the usual activities carried out during the tour, the guiding. And the guiding began with me, Andi Fikram, to the end and when we were in the middle of the trip, we were given a refresher containing panada, donuts and glass water. And the contents of the refresher were explained by Nita Wahyona about the composition and uniqueness.

After a few hours of traveling we arrived at the dock to enter the island of dutungan. Before entering the dutungan island we were told to gather and hear a little submission from the advisor, after finishing we were rushed to board the ship and the first bus that left first and about 15 minutes more or less our trip was reached the dutungan island pier and we were directed by tour leader to small houses adjacent to the jetty to store goods and rush to change clothes to do diving and snorkeling. After bus 2 that departed later arrived and rushed to change his clothes, after finishing we were told to gather to listen to information about the equipment that will be used diving and snorkeling as well as a tutorial on how to use it conveyed by a father who is professional and awaiting our arrival at the beach support.

After finishing we do lunch and pray before diving and snorkeling, after finishing we rush to the end of the pier to do diving and snorkeling, we also dive and snokling alternately and guided by people who are already on duty at the place and we do for 4 hours after 04:00 we returned to rinse our body / shower to get ready to take a banner photo.

After getting ready, we got back together and did games, after we finished the game, we were divided into two groups to do banner photos and make the formation as creative as possible.

After finishing the banner photo, we rushed to the pier to take our belongings. We boarded the ship that would take us back to the previous pier, as before leaving first was bus one then bus 2. After arriving at the pier we immediately stored our belongings in the trunk. then take the bus. While waiting for bus 2 we were distributed snacks and after bus 2 came and boarded the bus we immediately went to the Delima sari hotel in the pare-pare city. While doing the guiding trip, we will continue until we arrive at the Delima Sari hotel, after arriving at our hotel, we will immediately collect the items in the trunk of the bus and check in immediately after our check-in directly into our respective rooms. to take a bath and rest until 07:00 we returned to the lobby for the absence and went to eat and we went to the restaurant just on foot because the restaurant and hotel are close together, until at the restaurant we sat in the place provided and before eating we pray together and eat.

After dinner is over we return to the hotel and prepare the material that we will present. After the advisor arrived we entered the presentation room and did the presentation in groups and went up alternately. After completing the presentation proceed with entertaimen, you also go up in turns and do a show with our group of friends, after finishing entertaimen we return to hear a word from our advisor and after finishing we return to our respective rooms and rest.

The next day my friend who was assigned the morning coll got up at 4:30 to do the morning coll and at 5 o'clock we gathered in the lobby and rushed to the monument to true love habibie ainun, when we arrived at the monument true love habibie ainun we did a photo -Photo and back to the hotel.

Arriving at the hotel at 06:00 we immediately returned to each room to take a shower and pack things. At 07:00 we gather in the lobby and do the absence after our absence directly having breakfast together after breakfast we did a benner photo.

After the banner photo we boarded each bus and left for the Paputo beach, on the bus to the Paputo beach again continued until Paputo beach, when we got to the Paputo beach we got off the bus and returned to the guiding until all our friends finished guiding .

After completing the guiding we were given 30 minutes to make observations and we went straight to the fathers who guarded the paputo beach and asked him a few things about the paputo beach after completion of observation we were offered by these fathers to turn on the musical instruments and we just accept it and immediately sing and shake together and there are also some who do photos on the seafront.

Until 11:00 we went to the terrace restaurant for lunch and the man headed to the mosque to perform Friday prayers. After finishing the Friday prayers, the male went straight to the terrace restaurant for lunch, after finishing lunch we took a banner photo.

After completing the photo shoot, we immediately rushed to our respective buses and continued our journey to our campus, POLTEKPAR, as long as on the bus we were given time to rest until we arrived at POLTEKPAR at 5:00 p.m. And when we arrived at the campus we immediately unloaded our belongings and reassembled the microphone after collecting our microphones and went home.
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